Find an Orthodontist

Orthodontist Locator

Only a licensed dental professional who has completed Invisible Braces training is qualified to determine the right treatment for you. Please ask about Invisible Braces experience of any doctor you consider.

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Orthodontists listed on "Find-an-Orthodontist" are licensed dental professionals who provide independent medical advice and services. These individuals are not employed by SmileSesame. The "Find an Orthodontist" feature is designed to assist you in locating an orthodontist in your particular area who could provide you with an Invisible Braces consultation. The information provided by each doctor is not reviewed by SmileSesame for accuracy or completeness. It is your responsibility to independently determine if a particular provider is right for you. SmileSesame makes no guarantee or assurance of any particular treatment outcome. Only a licensed dental professional who has completed Invisible Braces training is qualified to determine the right treatment for you. Please ask about the individual Invisible Braces experience of any doctor you consider. The doctor list is not exhaustive, and there may be other Invisible Braces-trained orthodontists in your zip code or area.