Info for Orthodontists - is a directory of orthodontists worldwide who specialize in performing Invisible Braces treatment. SmileSesame App is a free App in the iTunes App Store or Google Play. The App allows users to obtain a free, quick, and easy consultation from a Board Certified orthodontist. This specialist will determine whether or not the app user is a good candidate for Invisible Braces. iPhone or Android users worldwide are potential Invisible Braces patients. By using the SmileSesame App, patients receive a free consultation and subsequently referrals to orthodontists in their area.

Service we provide to orthodontists

  • Referrals - Linking patients from SmileSesame App with your Practice
  • Exposure - Exposing patients to your practice
  • Orthodontic Directory - Orthodontic Directory -Directory for potential patients
  • 24/7 Availability - The App is available around the clock. You could be getting referrals while you are on vacation or sleeping

We provide this service at three different levels